We want you to work smarter, not harder
The Anker team is not what you think it is. You think we are a bunch of young hipster coders who make niche products on macs from a coffee shop in Løkka. No mam. We have an office. We have funding. We have traktekaffe. We have a personalhåndbok.
But most importantly, we have a problem. A big one. Perhaps the biggest. At least in the construction industry. The absence of quality construction data is preventing all digitisation, which in turn stops all innovation, be it in productivity, materials or energy. Until we have data that new AI and algorithms can use, everything stops.

We got together (literally) because we believe that the key to unlocking this potential lies in automating the production of quality construction data. Automating, because no architect or engineer wants to produce data. Quality, because builders need to trust it. We need to solve data first.