Product Features

The not-so-secret-sauce that makes Anker really worth it.

In a nutshell, Anker is an application that allows you to create, manipulate and analyze your BIM data in cloud, supercharged by AI and automation.

Combination of our Population, Validation, Tables, Relationships and Automation features lets you manage your BIM data effectively an deliver 100% consistent BIM data in your projects.

Anker is compatible with Revit through our Live Revit Plugin, can connect with BIM360 and BIMsync, and lets you work with IFC, .xlsx or .csv files effectively. You can always show results of your work to your team by extracting data from Anker to PowerBI.


With Anker, you make the rules! Define what constitutes a correct property delivery, and Anker will check your BIM models against these requirements. It not only validates, but also empowers you with process automation and allows you to define rules using our AI-powered RegEx builder.

It will give you a visual, easy-to-filter report on what is right, and what is wrong, that you can share with a relevant stakeholders. And with Anker, you will be always be right.


Poulation simply allows you to create new or add more information to your existent BIM data. Whether you prefer bulk-writing through rulesets or visually editing data in Excel-like tables, Anker has you covered. Distribute your polished data via APIs or export as a fresh IFC file.

Anker writes data around the clock. Set up population rules, automate them, and maintain 100% consistent data. Whether your client demands project numbers or contract identifiers, Anker ensures compliance with every action.

Use Population for working with any type of data, whether you need to enrich your IFC files from .xlsx, or update your Revit files with correct metadata directly from Anker.


In Anker, automation is the name of the game, guaranteeing precision and consistency without the need for manual involvement.

Every process within Anker can be seamlessly automated, whether it's syncing data from Common Data Environments, handling population and validation, or effortlessly sharing the results. With each file update, your data remains consistently accurate. Embrace the future of BIM data management with Anker, where you hold the reins to redefine efficiency and quality.


Anker Tables are the one-stop-shop to inspect your data. You can use Anker tables to query, filter, sort, export to CSV, and modify the properties of your project.

Anker Tables serve as a comprehensive tool to explore and manage your project data. They offer functionalities such as querying, filtering, sorting, exporting to CSV, and editing properties.


The Relationships feature in Anker allows you to seamlessly connect external datasets, like Excel spreadsheets, with your Revit or IFC data. Learn how to enrich your IFC data using information from an Excel file.

Live Revit Plugin

Anker's validation doesn't stop at mere results. It empowers architects and engineers to turn those results into high-quality data. A crucial aspect of this workflow is the ability to apply validation rules directly within Revit using our dedicated Revit add-in.

With this tool, users can seamlessly access validation results within Revit, pinpoint errors or missing data, select the problematic elements from Anker, and swiftly make on-the-fly corrections.

IFC Support

Anker supports interoperability through its robust IFC integration capabilities. You can effortlessly validate imported IFC models and enhance them by seamlessly incorporating additional information using populating tools.

When you export IFC files from Revit, our Revit plugin does the heavy lifting for you. It duplicates the file and neatly adds Anker's special metadata to the new one. All it takes is a simple toggle switch during your project setup. Delivering correct IFC files couldn't be easier.

CDE Integrations

This feature is especially beneficial for those seeking to oversee and ensure the quality of data deliveries within extensive projects, teams, and organizations, all without the need to install our Revit add-ins on individual local machines. Anker effortlessly retrieves Revit models and data from Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) through our seamless integration, enabling real-time data validation.

For a similarly streamlined BIM management process, you can establish a parallel workflow with other Common Data Environments, such as Catenda Hub.