Connecting with Catenda Hub

This simple process ensures a seamless integration with Catenda Hub.

To connect Anker with Catenda Hub follow these steps.

Authorization process:

  1. Navigate to your project's Settings.
  2. Locate the 'Integrations' section and find the Catenda Hub settings.
  3. Click on the Connect button. This action will redirect you to the Catenda Hub page authorization page.
  4. Log in to your project on the Catenda Hub page.
  5. Upon successful login, you will receive a confirmation message stating that the authorization was successful.
  6. Return to Anker to complete the process.

Adding your files:

In your project's Files view, click the Import button and select From Catenda Hub option.

  1. Select one of your Catenda Projects that you would like to synchronize.
  2. Select files from the list and click the Sync Files button.

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