About Us

Discover who we are, what drives our passion, and meet our team.

Our Mission

Anker is on a quest to revolutionize the construction industry by digitizing its core operations.

We champion the power of live BIM data management over getting lost with static drawings and unusable models.

We join the global trend fostering a new era of digital transformation in the AECO sector.

Our mission is to establish a bedrock of trust in construction operations through an intelligent, user-friendly system that brings high-quality data everyone can trust into a reality. This led to the creation of Anker, a scalable and user-friendly SaaS solution designed to address the prevalent chaos in BIM data management.

Incorporated, headquartered in Oslo
Clients worldwide
Projects successfully using Anker
"Most people want to jump straight to AI, but it often fails due to poor BIM data. Anker establishes the first step towards a truly data-driven construction industry by creating the consistency and quality in data that future AI requires."
Håvard Vasshaug, Founder & CPO @ Anker

The Genesis

Anker, incorporated in 2023 in the heart of Norway, is the result of extensive industry experience, a deep understanding of market needs, and a history of successful ventures. Conceived by visionary engineers with exceptional programming skills, Anker was born out of firsthand experiences of inefficiencies in BIM data management.

Our journey began not by chasing or inventing a problem, but rather, the problem found us. As we were building custom solutions on various projects, the challenges in BIM data management were evident and presented to us as an opportunity.

This led to the creation of Anker, a scalable and user-friendly SaaS solution designed to address the prevalent chaos in BIM data management. What started as a venture to streamline processes turned into a revolutionary tool that resonated with many others in the industry who were in search of exactly this kind of solution.